Are you deciding between Traditional and Cloud-based POS system? There might be a third option that combines advantages of both systems with only few or no disadvantages. We are taking about Hybrid POS system.
What is Traditional POS system
Also known as legacy systems, a traditional POS system will run on closed networks with data stored on local computer or server. The system is set up in a fixed location to manage the sales from customers within a particular store. Traditional POS system doesn't need internet connection.
Advantages of Traditional POS system
Reliability and stability of the system
Slow or not working internet will not have any effect on speed or functions of the system
Better data security
System is designed for particular hardware (better user interface)
All devices are usually installed by technicians (Users don't need hardware or software skills)
Disadvantages of Traditional POS system
Sales data are accessible only locally
Harder to install (often needs to be setup by technician)
Menu setup and change can be done only locally
Cloud-based point of sale system
A cloud-based POS also referred to as web-based POS, is a web-hosted point of sale solution that stores data on remote servers. It can be accessed from just about anywhere in the world, and on any system wherever there’s internet connection.
Advantages of Cloud-based POS system
It can be used on any device with internet browser (PC, MAC, tablet, phone) and on any operating system (Windows, iOS, Android)
Cheaper hardware
Easy access to sales data
Easy connection between multiple devices
Menu can be setup or changed remotely
Disadvantages of Cloud-based POS system
Slow internet connection will slow down the pos system
When internet connection stops working most of cloud based systems stop working or work with very limited functions
Security can be compromised when using outdated internet browsers
Problem on cloud server can cause disturbance to thousands of users
Possible HW drivers issues when combining multiple device (printers, tablets)
Cheaper hardware can be less reliable
Most of cloud companies don't offer installation by trained technician
Hybrid POS system
Hybrid POS system is traditional POS system with cloud. It combines advantages of both with only few disadvantages.
Advantages of Hybrid POS system
Easy access to sales data
Easy connection between multiple devices
Menu setup and changes can be done remotely
Reliability and stability of the system
Slow or not working internet will not have any effect on speed or functions of the system
System is designed for particular hardware (better user interface)
All devices are usually installed by technicians (users don't need HW and SW skills)
Disadvantages of Hybrid POS system
Harder to install (often needs to be setup by technician)
Want to know more? Get in touch with Wsoft on 02 8581 3272 today.