Detailed sales reports anytime, anywhere

Our developers with extensive experience in hospitality realise that understanding how is your business performing at any given time is high priority. All essential reports are presented on Wsoft website in real time. Your reports will be unique, perfectly organised and easy to follow. WPOS can also display detailed reports about sales by item, order or payment type, information about voided orders, discounted items, employee time sheets, cash drops and export data for tax purposes. All data are stored for two years.

Obchodní zastoupení v České republice

ing. Jaroslava Přibylová
ič. 49694227
Nechvílova 1824,
Praha 4 - Chodov
(není provozovna)
tel. 722 945 097

Centrála v Sydney, Austrálie

Wsoft Pty Ltd
ABN 15 601 244 197
ACN 601 244 197
505/208 Chalmers Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Sydney, Australia
tel. +61 2 8959 4604